Monday, July 07, 2008

From the Master Key System

I found these jewels of using the Law of Attraction in the Master Key System,
by Charles Haanel:

Part 1 of the book…an amazing truth!

31. Every thought therefore is a cause and every condition an effect;
for this reason it is absolutely essential that you control your thoughts
so as to bring forth only desirable conditions.

32. All power is from within, and is absolutely under your control;
it comes through exact knowledge and by voluntary exercises of
exact principles.

33. It should be plain that when you acquire a thorough understanding of
this law, and are able to control your thought processes,
you can apply it
to any condition; in other words, you will have come into conscious
cooperation with Omnipotent law which is the fundamental basis of all things.

May I add: “The Law Of Attraction is a mechanical process where your thoughts become things. Roi and I just stumbled upon this natural law 26 years ago, and now we have the beautiful Reiki Ranch where we live and teach Reiki for abundance and wellness."

I thought you might enjoy... you can forward this posting to others who might like it.


Taylore and Roi

Reiki Healing Master -- for Reiki Energy Healing,alternative health, and Miracle Mineral Supplement Info
Prosperity -- Wealth -- Abundance --EBook and Master Key System available for a download here! The eBook tells you how to triple your income in any business and is especially good for helping you start a home business.
Below are two Great Reiki Websites:

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